Yes! You can wash your Crochet Braids. But if you really want to clean your scalp while wearing Crochet Braids, there are a myriad of methods and products to help.

Dry Shampoo like Organic Root Stimulator Herbal Cleanse or Cantu Apple Cider Vinegar Dry Co-Wash are great options for soaking up dirt and sweat. No water required and leaves your hair smelling fresh. These products are also great for invigorating your scalp.
If you work out during lunch at work, and you're nervous about going back to the office with funky hair....(we've all been there)...try one of these dry cleanse options. Your hair will smell fresh and your co-workers will love you for it!
Another method is from the old skool. A dedicated wash cloth and an astringent like Sea Breeze will help to cleanse your scalp and freshen up your natural hair underneath the Crochet Braids.

If you feel you need a full saturation wash, be sure to use an oil based shampoo or stick to just conditioner. Many brands offer great hydration shampoos and conditioners, such as Creme of Nature Argan Oil products and Organix.